Nunun Tri Widarwati, Purwani Indri Astuti, Ratih Wijayava


Bilingual illustrated children's stories are very good for learning English for beginners such as children. Translating children's stories requires the delivery of language that is simple and easy for children to understand so that it is good for children's growth and development, so the shift form of translation in children's stories must be able to convey meaning well and be suitable for children and beginner level learners. For this reason, it is important to study the form of translation shift in illustrated children's story books that use bilingual Indonesian to English. An illustrated children's story entitled the mouse and the frog where the content of the story is very suitable for children where children have moral values and character development in reading it. The urgency of the research is to find a translation shift model and analyze the types and forms of translation shifts in the Noun Phrase the mouse and the frog and develop knowledge related to the existence of translation shifts, especially the Noun Phrase form. The aim of the research is to analyze and find models and empirical evidence to find types of shifts in the translation of noun phrases in the mouse and the frog. The method used is document analysis and data triangulation. The media used is the YouTube channel. The results found that the shift in Noun Phrase translation occurred in the form of a unit shift. The expected benefit is research as a new model in the results of improving and developing knowledge in the field of English translation so that it can increase readers' understanding in the field of English, especially translation.


Noun Phrase, Translation, Shift, Story

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