Ratnaningsih Ruhiyat, Dwi Indrawati, Etty Indrawati, Lailatus Siami


The Community Partnership Program (PKM) of Kohe Beneficiary Groups in Cibodas Village and Organic Farmers Group in Cisondari Village, Pasirjambu District, Bandung Regency, is a community service activity aimed at handling cow dung in Cibodas Village, which is currently quite abundant but it has not been well managed, so it has the potential to pollute the environment. The use of cohes uses vermicomposting technology, which results in the form of organic fertilizer known as vermicompost fertilizer. The purpose of this activity was also to introduce vermicomposting technology and familiarize the use of vermicompost fertilizer to organic farmer groups in Cisondari Village, which has been using untreated chicken dung, and the chicken foal is imported from the Tangerang area. The method of implementation includes, socialization and training, polling through questionnaires, vermicomposting demplot and organic farming, focus group discussions and village consultation meetings. The demonstration plot is a field school for kohe managers and organic farmers, so that participants can understand the entire process of the activity. Group discussions are conducted to discuss the results and equate perceptions for all participants in the process of making fertilizers and organic farming. Village consultation activities are intended to convey activities that have been carried out to village heads and community leaders, so that they are expected to have support. Through this activity, cow dung can be used by user groups to become vermicompost with quality that meets quality standards based on Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 70 / Permentan / SR.140 / 10/2011, and the vermicompost and worm production activities take place so that farmers can provide organic fertilizer and provide additional income for the dung management community.

Keywords: animal waste, vermicomposting, organic farming, demonstration plot


Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Kelompok Pemanfaat Kohe di Desa Cibodas dan Kelompok Petani Organik di Desa Cisondari, Kecamatan Pasirjambu, Kabupaten Bandung, merupakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan menangani kotoran hewan (kohe) sapi  di Desa Cibodas, yang saat ini cukup melimpah jumlahnya namun belum terkelola dengan baik, sehingga berpotensi mencemari lingkungan. Pemanfaatan kohemenggunakan teknologi vermicomposting, yang hasilnya berupa pupuk organik yang dikenal dengan pupuk kascing. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini juga memperkenalkan teknologi vermicomposting dan membiasakan penggunaan pupuk kascing kepada kelompok petani organik di Desa Cisondari, yang selama ini menggunakan kohe ayam tanpa perlakuan, dankohe ayam tersebut didatangkan dari wilayah Tangerang. Metode pelaksanaan meliputi, sosialisasi dan pelatihan, jajak pendapat melalui kuesioner, demplot vermicomposting dan pertanian organik, diskusi kelompok (focus group discussion)serta rembug desa. Demplot merupakan sekolah lapangan bagi pengelola kohe dan petani organik, sehingga pesertadapat memahami seluruh proses kegiatan.Diskusi kelompok dilakukan untuk membahas hasil dan menyamakan persepsi bagi seluruh peserta dalam proses pembuatan pupuk maupun pertanian organik. Kegiatan rembug desa, ditujukan untuk menyampaikan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan kepada kepala desa dan tokoh masyarakat, sehingga diharapkan adanya dukungan dari mereka. Melalui kegiatan ini,kohe sapi dapat dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok pemanfaatmenjadi pupuk kascing dengan kualitas yang memenuhi standar kualitas berdasarkanPeraturan Menteri Pertanian No 70/Permentan/SR.140/10/2011,dan berlangsungnya kegiatan produksi kascing dan cacing, sehingga dapat menyediakan pupuk organik bagi petani dan memberikan tambahan pendapatan bagi masyarakat pengelola kohe.

Kata kunci : kotoran hewan, vermicomposting, pertanian organik, demplot

Full Text:



Danilo Rogayan Jr, Vermicompost and Vermicompoting, May 2017

Edi Indrizal, Focus Group Discussion

Hindersah, R dkk, Penggunaan Demonstrasi Plot Untuk Mengubah Metode Aplikasi Pupuk organik pada Lahan Pertanian Sayuran di kota Ambon Dharmakarya: Jurnal Aplikasi Ipteks untuk Masyarakat Vol. 5, No. 1, Mei 2016: 9 –15, ISSN 1410 - 5675

Jim Cavaye, Understading Community Development, Cavaye Community Development,, 2015



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Empowerment : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

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