Pemilihan Saham Melalui Analisis Karakteristik Perusahaan

Yasir Maulana


Company performance can be analyzed in various ways. Revenue growth, net income, and assets are commonly used performance measures. Company performance covers three specific areas: financial performance (profit, ROA, return on investment, etc.); product market performance (sales, market share, etc.); and shareholder returns (total shareholder return, economic value added) (Richard et al., 2009). In this study, the characteristics of the company as the embodiment of the company's performance are used as a stock selection method. In selecting the sample, we chose companies/shares in the consumer goods sector because this sector is more resistant to crises than other sectors, so we consider these stocks to describe the characteristics of companies in 2014-2016 consisting of 38 companies. In this article, we explain how to analyze a company's valuation from the point of view of management and investors. In general, the analysis used is the same, namely ROI, but from a management point of view, changes in the ROI ratio can be explained through the ratio of profitability, asset utilization and leverage, as explained in the results of the research above. Meanwhile, from the investor's point of view, the ratios chosen are growth from profitability, market value, ROI and credit risk, where in our opinion, this is the ratio most investors use in assessing the price of a stock. The results of the study can be concluded that GGRM is an attractive stock option to buy, followed by UNVR, SIDO, CINT and ROTI. The five stocks above are believed to have good profitability, a small probability of default, a fairly good return and a high probability of sustainability.

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