Manfaat Dan Penggunaan Fanpage Facebook Terhadap Keinginan Wisatawan Untuk Berkunjung Ke Batam

Edy Yulianto Putra, Viennie Kho


The study aims to find out the influence between variable entertainment gratifications, informativeness gratifications, socializing gratifications, attitude on fan page, attitude on attractions towards intention to visit. This study applies survey methods, with the author has gathered a number of 400 respondents. The respondents selected for this study were the people of Batam city who had followed the fan page of one of the marine tourism. The technique applied in this study is by purposive sampling. The author processed the data by utilizing Smart PLS software version 3.00 in order to know significant or insignificant on the available variables. The results of this study play an important role to be used as a guideline for the tourism industry to pay more attention to the content on fan pages by involving three main satisfactions, namely entertainment, informativeness, and socializing to get positive responses from users both to fan pages and attractions at once.

Keywords: Entertainment Gratifications, Informativeness Gratifications, Socializing Gratifications, Attitude On Fan Page, Attitude On Attractions, Intention To Visit

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