Analisis Kontribusi Dan Efektivitas Komponen PAD Pada APBD Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jepara

Agustiyana Lailatus Sholikhah, Nuwun Priyono


This study aims to determine and analyze the contribution and effectiveness of the components of Regional Original Income (PAD) and Balancing Funds in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). The data used is secondary data from the Jepara Regency APBD Realization Report for the 2016-2019 fiscal year. The research method in this study uses descriptive quantitative methods in the form of ratio analysis, namely contribution and effectiveness. The results of the study stated that the contribution of the PAD component to the APBD in Jepara Regency was still low and classified as lacking criteria. The contribution of Balancing Fund receipts to the APBD from 2016-2019 ranges from 15.03% - 16.37% or has an average of 15.66% every year. Meanwhile, the condition of the effectiveness of the PAD component in Jepara Regency gives results in the very effective category because the realization has exceeded the target and runs fluctuatingly. The level of effectiveness of the Tax Revenue Sharing/Non-Tax Revenue Sharing Fund and the Special Allocation Fund of the Regency of Jepara fluctuates every year. The General Allocation Fund experienced a condition that the realization of revenue was in accordance with the previously set target of 100% (effective) in the 2016-2019 budget year.


Keywords: Contribution, Effectiveness, PAD Component, Balancing Fund, APBD

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