Pengaruh Intensitas Modal, Debt Covenant Dan Growth Opportunity Terhadap Konservatisme Akuntansi

Yusfira Nur Azizah, Herma Wiharno, Lia Dwi Martika


This study aims to obtain empirical evidence and test how much influence the variables of capital intensity, debt covenants and growth opportunities, both partially and simultaneously, have on accounting conservatism in food and beverage sub-sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population in this study was 30 food and beverage companies listed on the IDX in 2016-2019. The analysis techniques used are regression of panel data and hypothesis testing using t-statistics to test partial regression coefficients and f-statistics to test simultaneous regression. The results of the test together where the variables of capital intensity, debt covenant and growth opportunity have a significant influence on accounting conservatism. From the results of the partial analysis, it shows that capital intensity and growth opportunities have a significant positive effect, while debt covenants have a significant negative effect. The results of the estimates showed that the predictive capability of this model was 40.47% and the remaining 59.53% was influenced by other factors that were not studied.


Keywords : Capital Intensity, Debt Covenant, Growth Opportunity and Accounting Conservatism


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