Rakhmaniyah Catur Wulandari, Pudjo Suharso, Lisana Oktavisanti Mardiyana


The aim of this study was to investigate how TikTok social media marketing influences the consumption behavior of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Jember, specifically those belonging to the class of 2020. This research type is quantitative research. Data collection methods used are questionnaires and interviews. The population of this research is college student of the Faculty Economics dan Business, University of Jember class of 2020. The sampling technique in this research is non probality sampling. The sample used 198 respondents. The data analysis method in this study is simple linear regression processed using SPSS. The result of this research showd that TikTok social media marketing can influence consumptive behaviour of college student of the Faculty Economics dan Business, University of Jember class of 2020 by 67,2% while the remaining 37,3% influence by other variables not examined in this study such as cultural, social, and psychological factors.


Keywords:  TikTok, Consumptive


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