Muhammad Anjar Nugraha, Ida Maulida


Teachers' Professional Development (PD) is one of the solutions to make the teachers always improve their skills and adapt to current issues. One of the challenges that teachers have to face nowadays is Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). Furthermore, skills development in the time pandemic is required. This study aims at investigating English teachers' professional development to the 4.0 education era during the covid 19 pandemic. This research was conducted on a member of the English Teachers Support Group (MGMP) in Subang, West Java. To collect the data of the research, the questionnaire and semi-structured interview have administered to the participants. The data analysis found that the participants have a positive perspective towards PD to 4.0 Education Era with five factors (Time, Funding, time, School Principal, Colleague Influence, and School Culture); courses or workshop is the most helpful in PD activity; last, availability of facilities is the most challenge in using technology in the classroom. Furthermore, it is known that young teacher from public school has a wide chance to join PD activities; age, colleague and school principal influence the participation of MGMP event; determining teaching content is a the most challenge in implement the education 4.0 during the covid-19 pandemic.


professional development; education 4.0; teacher support group (MGMP)

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25134/erjee.v9i2.4546


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