Emilya Ong, Evi Silvana Muchsinati



Mengkaji variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi Innovation dalam sektor asuransi jiwa Kota Batam adalah tujuan utama dari penelitian ini. Selain itu, kita perlu mencari tahu bagaimana hal ini akan berdampak pada Environmental Performance dan keunggulan kompetitif jangka panjang. Kajian ini terutama dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan untuk mengatasi permasalahan rendahnya kreativitas dalam dunia kerja dan industri secara keseluruhan, yang diperparah oleh kenyataan bahwa ekspansi bisnis asuransi jiwa di Indonesia sangat tidak dapat diprediksi. Model teoritis dengan sembilan asumsi dikembangkan sebagai bagian dari pendekatan struktural penelitian ini. Pengujian Structural Equation Model (SEM) dilakukan dengan menggunakan software AMOS 16 sebagai teknik penelitiannya. Dua ratus sembilan puluh satu orang dari Asuransi Sinar Mas dan PT. Equity Life berpartisipasi dalam survei ini. Penelitian menemukan bahwa bisnis asuransi di Kota Batam tidak memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap Innovation dan Environmental Performance karena proses Selection yang tidak memadai. Hal ini didukung oleh fakta bahwa P Value Green recruitment and Selection tidak signifikan. Di sisi lain, hipotesis yang terkait dengan variabel hypothesis associated with the Green Training, dan Nilai P yang besar menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan ramah lingkungan secara signifikan meningkatkan Innovation dan kinerja lingkungan.

Kata kunci: electronic human resources; goodness of fit; green competencies; green recruitment and selection; green training; innovation; structural equation model


Examining the variables that impact Innovation within the setting of Batam City's life insurance sector is the primary goal of this research. Also, we need to figure out how it will affect environmental performance and long-term competitive advantage. This study is primarily motivated by the need to address the issue of poor creativity in work and the industry as a whole, which is exacerbated by the fact that the expansion of Indonesia's life insurance business is very unpredictable. A theoretical model with nine assumptions is developed as part of this research's structural approach. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was examined using AMOS 16 software as the study technique. Two hundred ninety-one people from Asuransi Sinar Mas and PT. Equity Life participated in this survey. The research found that insurance businesses in Batam City do not significantly impact Innovation and environmental performance due to their inadequate selection processes. This is supported by the fact that the P Value of Green recruitment & Selection is not significant. On the other hand, the hypothesis associated with the Green Training variable was accepted, and the substantial P Value demonstrated that Green Training significantly improves Innovation and environmental performance.

Keywords: electronic human resources; goodness of fit; green competencies; green recruitment and selection; green training; innovation; structural equation model


electronic human resources; goodness of fit; green competencies; green recruitment and selection; green training; innovation; structural equation model

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25134/equi.v21i01.8961


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