Arip Hidayat


With the rationale that theme, character, disposition, and message a builder in a literary work. This study raised the title 'Analysis of Intrinsic Elements theme, character, disposition, and message Contained in Fly Pigeon Novel Achmad Munif work as Alternative Learning Literature in high school.' Formulation of the problem of this research are: 1) how the themes in the novel "Pigeons Fly" The work Achmad Munif? 2) how the character and disposition of the novel "Pigeons Fly" Achmad Munif work? 3) how the mandate contained in the novel "Pigeons Fly" Achmad Munif work? 4) whether the intrinsic elements of theme, character, disposition and message can be used as teaching material in SMA? method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. Technique: The technique of data acquisition in this study are: library research, documentation, and analysis. population in this study is novel Pigeons Fly Munif Achmad work. sample in this study is the theme, characters and characterization, mandate and teaching materials contained on novel Pigeons Fly MunifAchmad work. Conclusions: 1) that there is a theme in the novel Fly Pigeons work Munif Ahmad is a former prostitute who repented of the black world that had lived. 2) character and disposition, character figures have Ken Ratri steadfast determination, patient, restless, polite, and regret, People Satrio fickle character has in his life, shame, and guilt, People Hanafiah have character grumpy, vindictive and not abstinence surrender, People Dr. SustiwiPranoto have characters with big hearts, kind, brave and compassionate, Fatimah figures assume the character of a good-natured and diligent worship. 3) Mandate / Order contained in the novel Pigeons Fly Munif Ahmad's work is do not taunt / mocking people, should be able to keep virginity, should be closer to Allah swt, should always bersykur in everything. Intrinsic Elements theme, character, disposition, and the mandate contained in the novel "Pigeons Fly" by Achmad Munif could as study materials in high school literature, in terms of the intrinsic elements and Basic Competency in Learning Literature in high school because it was listed in the syllabus.
Keyword : theme, character, disposition, and message, prose, alternative learning literature


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Fon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

e-ISSN 2614-7718 | p-ISSN 2086-0609

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