Analisis Penerimaan Pengguna E-Toll Dengan Mengadopsi Model De Lone dan Mc Lean

Yoga Megasyah


Technological developments are increasingly increasing specifically to facilitate transaction
activities. All parties in various fields continue to look for the latest for those who can provide the best for
customers. Research conducted for toll road users in the city of Bandung, which aims to determine cellcomputer
efficacy and perceived benefits of system quality, information quality, use, and satisfaction of toll
road users in using the e-toll payment system. The population of this study is the toll road users in the city
of Bandung. Samples taken 125 people were taken using nonprobability sampling technique. The results
showed that there were differences in cell-computer efficacy and perception of benefits for system quality,
information quality, usage, and satisfaction of toll road users in using the e-toll payment system. This
summary is taken based on the descriptive statistics produced.
Keywords: computer self-efficacy and perceived benefits, system quality, information quality,
use, and satisfaction of toll road users in using the e-toll payment system.

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p-ISSN :1858-3911 , e-ISSN : 2614-5405
Accreditation : SINTA 5

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