Resistance of Pf Impregnated Coconut Wood on Drywood Termites Attack (Cryptotermes cyanocephalus Light)

Sulistyono Sulistyono, Widhorini Widhorini, Harun Al Rasyid


The purpose of this study was to examine the nature and appearance of coconut wood impregnated with Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) resin against the attack of drywood termites (C. cyanocephalus Light). The method of testing dry wood termites using laboratory tests refers to SNI 01-7207-2006. The parameters observed for durability of dry wood termites are the percentage of wood weight loss, termite mortality rate and degree of attack based on visual observations. Percentage of weight loss is calculated and determined by SNI 01-7207-2006, and the degree of termite attack refers to SNI 7207 (2014). Observation of the degree of dry wood termites was also carried out with a 20 X Electric Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). One way analysis of data with ANOVA for Duncan test. The results showed resistance to dry wood termites with PF impregnation 10% including durable class III (Moderately resistant) and PF impregnation (0%, 15%, 20% and 25%), including durable class IV (Non-resistant). Rating the degree of visual attack, PF impregnated coconut wood (10%) is included in the resistance class II (Resistant) with light attacks. PF impregnated wood (15%, 20%, 25%) belongs to resistance class III (Moderately resistant), with moderate attack, and wood without impregnation (control) including resistance class IV (Non-resistant), with severe attack. However, based on analysis of variance, there is no real difference in wood weight reduction.

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