Sandi Kaci Wibowo, Yanneri Elfa Kiswara Rahmantya


Advances in the field of information and communication technology are utilized by business people providing information and communication services to develop their business called online applications. In order to compete with other online information and communication service providers, business people continue to improve innovation of new features and facilities for the application. Currently, many studies are examining factors that affect performance with today's technological innovations. So a review of journal papers that discuss the role of information and communication technology on performance is needed. The method used by this research is Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of journal papers published from 2016-2021. There are three Research Questions (RQ) set in this study. The final result obtained from this study is the widely researched applications namely Zoom and Google Meet, the most widely used data collection techniques are interviews and the factors that affect performance the most are education and technology. The results obtained in this study are expected to provide information so that business people providing online information and communication services continue to improve other features and facilities so as to improve worker performance and facilitate work so that many will use online information and communication services.


Keywords: Zoom, Google Meet, Kinerja, Systematic Literature Review

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