Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Equilibrium: Jurnal pendidikan dan Ekonomi uses single-blind peer review system: the reviewers' identities remain anonymous to authors, while the reviewers can see authors' identities. The paper will be peer-reviewed by three experts; one is chief editor, section editor and reviewer.

Peer Review / Responsibility for the Reviewers

As an editor or a reviewer you are requested to find out about the originality of the manuscript you are urged to review. Therefore, it is recommended that you also see the Author Guidelines and Polices page to see which points authors should take into consideration prior to submission of their papers for the publication.


Editorial Responsibilities

Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article. Editors should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept, only accept a paper when reasonably certain, when errors are found, promote publication of correction or retraction, and preserve anonymity of reviewers.

Review Guidelines

Equilibrium: Jurnal pendidikan dan Ekonomi highly appreciates their kind support by agreeing to review an article for our journal. Before they consent to evaluate any paper, the reviewers are requested to consider a number of points. 

Before they are sent to reviewers, all Equilibrium: Jurnal pendidikan dan Ekonomi papers are previewed by our editor(s)-in-chief. The papers are also checked for their originality using the Plagiarism Checker X software. 

Equilibrium: Jurnal pendidikan dan Ekonomi papers are proofread before they are published, and the reviewers are by no means obliged to correct or mark language errors or typos. However, if the reviewers detect such cases, they are most welcome to highlight them.