Cloud Information Sistem Informasi fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Kuningan


CLOUD INFORMATION: Journal of System Information (p-ISSN 2527-5224, e-ISSN 2614-543X) is a journal published in Indonesia by Information System Department, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Kuningan (Prodi SI FKOM). This journal is published twice for 1 year in March and October. The scopes of the journal include the following topic areas: Analyst and Design,  Information System Audit, IT Governance, Data mining, Datawarehouse, and Cloud Computing.

The Cloud Information System will publish journal articles for volume 5 number 2 in October. Receipt of articles will be held in August until mid-September. The review process will take place in September. All processes use the OJS system.

We are waiting for contributions from scientific journal writers to contribute and develop our common knowledge.