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JEJARING : Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika

JEJARING (Journal of Information Technology and Management) is a peer-reviewed journal that provides research papers, case studies, and review articles in the field of information technology. JEJARING is a communication medium for academics, experts and information technology practitioners in expressing their thoughts and ideas in the field of information technology. The topic of JEJARING's paper focuses on the fields of information technology, information management, and other topics related to the field of information technology including programming, information systems analysis, business management, computer networks, software engineering, multimedia, technopreneurship, and others. JEJARING is published by the Diploma III Informatics Management Study Program, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Kuningan with a frequency of being published twice in each volume in May and November. This journal has been registered at ISSN 2527-3930 (print) and ISSN 2614-5448 (online).

The scopes of the journal include the following topic areas:
•    Manajemen Informatika
•    Computer Science
•    IT Audit & Assessment
•    Programming & Algorithm
•    Big Data
•    Data Mining
•    Cloud Computing
•    Smart City
•    IoT (Internet of Things)
•    Software Enginnering
•    Networking & Communication

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Nuansa Informatika Teknologi Informasi


NUANSA INFORMATIKA is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Kuningan with a frequency published twice a year. NUANSA INFORMATIKA is a peer-reviewed journal on Information and Technologi for communication media academics, experts and practitioners of Information Technology in pouring ideas of thought in the field of Information Technology. NUANSA INFORMATIKA is a peer-reviewed journal on Information and Technology covering all branches of IT and sub-disciplines including Algorithms, system design, networks, games, IoT, Software engineering, Mobile applications, and others.

Publisher: Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Kuningan, Jalan Cut Nyak Dhien No. 36A, Kel. Cojoho Kuningan 45513 West Java, Indonesia.


Nuansa Informatika has p-ISSN :1858-3911, e-ISSN : 2614-5405

Terakreditasi Sinta 5

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Dedikasi Komunitas

Jurnal Dedikasi Kominitas Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kuningan merupakan sarana untuk menyalurkan hasil karya ilmiah penulis dalam mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bentuk dedikasi kepada masyarakat

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Edueconomica Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Ekonomi

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