Sela Seliana, Lili Karmela Fitriani, Tatang Rois


This study aims to investigate the correlation between customer reviews and customer trust with customer loyalty, mediated by customer satisfaction. The research employs both descriptive and quantitative methodologies. Sampling, involving 130 Shopee users in Ciayumajakuning, was conducted using nonprobability sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaire distribution and measured on interval scales. Path analysis with SPSS 21 software was employed for data analysis. Findings indicated that: (1) Customer reviews showed a non-significant, negative impact on customer satisfaction. (2) Customer trust had a significant, positive influence on customer satisfaction. (3) Customer reviews positively and significantly affected customer loyalty. (4) Customer trust also significantly and positively affected customer loyalty. (5) Customer satisfaction had a notable positive effect on customer loyalty. (6) Customer satisfaction did not serve as a mediator between customer reviews and customer loyalty. (7) However, customer satisfaction acted as a mediator between customer trust and customer loyalty.


Keywords: customer review, customer trust, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.


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