Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Talinum paniculatum Lokal Kalimantan Barat terhadap Shigella sonnei

Laili Fitri Yeni


Shigella sonnei merupakan salah satu bakteri patogen penyebab disentri basiler dengan tingkat prevalensi tinggi di negara berkembang. Bakteri ini dilaporkan resisten terhadap beberapa antibiotik yang direkomendasikan WHO, sehingga diperlukan upaya pencarian senyawa antibakteri baru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kandungan fitokimia dan potensi ekstrak etanol umbi, batang dan daun ginseng jawa (Talinum paniculatum) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan S. sonnei secara in vitro. Uji fitokimia ekstrak etanol menggunakan metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT).  Potensi antibakteri dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode difusi cakram Kirby Baeur teknik swab dengan perlakuan seri  konsentrasi ekstrak  50%, 75% dan  100%, kontrol positif (tetrasiklin 20%), dan kontrol negatif (DMSO 10%) dengan 5 pengulangan. Dari hasil uji fitokimia diketahui bahwa metabolit sekunder dari golongan steroid ditemukan pada umbi, batang maupun daun ginseng jawa.  Flavonoid hanya ditemukan pada umbi dan daunEkstrak etanol batang dan daun menunjukkan hasil positif untuk tanin dan fenolik.  Alkaloid, saponin dan terpenoid tidak ditemukan pada ketiga ekstrak tersebut.  Ekstrak etanol daun memiliki potensi penghambatan terhadap S. sonnei lebih besar dibandingkan umbi dan batang, terutama pada konsentrasi 100%.  Meskipun demikian zona hambat yang terbentuk masih belum cukup efektif jika dibandingkan dengan zona hambat yang dibentuk oleh kontrol positif yaitu tetrasiklin.


Shigella sonnei a pathogenic bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery – a disease with high prevalence in developing countries. This bacterium has been reported resistant to several antibiotics. Development of new antibacterial compounds is regarded necessary. This study was conducted to describe the phytochemical content and potentials of ethanol extract from the tubers, stems and leaves of fameflowers (Talinum paniculatum) in inhibiting the growth of S. sonnei in vitro. Phytochemical test was performed to the ethanol extract using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Antibacterial potential was assessed using Kirby Baeur disc diffusion swab on different treatment concentrations of 50%, 75% and 100%  with positive control (20% tetracycline), and negative control (DMSO 10%) in 5 replications. The phytochemical tests showed that secondary metabolites from the steroid group were found in tubers, stems and leaves of the famefolowers. However, flavonoids were only found in tubers and leaves. The ethanol extracts of stems and leaves also contained tannins and phenolics. Furthermore, neither Alkaloids, saponins or terpenoids were found in the three extracts. In addition, ethanol extract from the leaves showed stronger inhibitory potential against S. sonnei extracts from tubers and stems, particularly at 100% concentration. However, the inhibition zone formed in the extracts was still less effective compared to the inhibition zone formed by tetracycline as positive control.


Antibacterial; Talinum paniculatum; Shigella sonnei; Inhibition Zone

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