Implementation of Precautionary Principles in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Indonesia

Ferina Ardhi Cahyani, Ariesta Wibisono Anditya


This article aims to find out about the implementation of the precautionary principle in environmental impact assessment (EIA). The method used in this article is a normative research method. The results obtained from this research are that in terms of environmental approval requirements in Indonesia, one of the requirements is EIA. In the process of preparing EIA, implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation, all stages require the principle of caution in their implementation. Permits issued by the government should not cause harm to the community as the holder of the highest state power. In EIA there is an obligation to examine the opinions of people who are directly affected by an activity. This is a form of implementing the precautionary principle, but there are still weaknesses in it. EIAs that have passed the assessment must also continue to monitor, evaluate and be evaluated by the government so that the risks arising from an activity can still be monitored for solutions. In this way, the precautionary principle can be implemented from planning to implementation.


Amdal, EIA, precauntionary principles.

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