Balong International, Balong Journal, Balong Desain,

Vol 2, No 2 (2019)


International Balong Design Journal (BIJD) provides an international forum for research in the art and creative education. It is primary source for the dissemination of independently endorsed articles on visual arts, creativity, crafts, design, and art history, in all aspect, phases and types of educational contexts and learning situations. This journal welcomes articles from a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches to research, and encourages the submission of a broader field of education and art relating to learning through art and creative education. The following list is incomplete but may provide a sense of topics and areas of research that provide journal platforms: the social and cultural values that inform arts and creative education;art base research methodology;the value of art in the curriculum;community learning;development and learning of art and children;learning and creativity at the beginning of the year;cultural and ethnic values and art;visual culture theory and practice;gender issues;nature of creativity;problem based learning through contemporary art;analysis and examples of specipic art, craft and design practices;art education politics;philosophy of art in education;progressive education through art;critical engangement with the art of the past;future prospect of art education and design;comparison of international art practices;aesthetic education;architectural and general art in education;crafts and crafts;cultural design and practice;contemporary art in education;conceptual arts and learning;and performance-based art.

Table of Contents


Elin Herlina
Asep Sufyan
Muhammad Iskandar, Sonson Nurusholih
Teddy Hendiawan, Aris Rahmansyah
Aris Darisman
Jerry Dounald R, Rika Nugraha
Diena Yudiarti, Hani Amelia