Regulatory Policy Model for Ecotourism-Based Heritage Tourism Development in the Old Banten Region

Rakhmat Jazuli, Nurikah Nurikah


The purpose of the research is how is the Regulatory Policy Model for the development of ecotourism-based heritage tourism in the Old Banten Tourism Area? and what is the role of the Government, tourism managers and tourism actors in the development of ecotourism-based heritage tourism in the Old Banten Tourism area?. This research method is using empirical juridical method, which is a research method that uses a juridical approach by analyzing primary data in the form of interviews and questionnaires in the field and secondary data originating from primary legal materials, namely the 1945 Constitution, laws and other regulations in legal studies. . The results of the study are Based on the Decree of the Governor of Banten No. 437/Kep.160-Huk/2018 concerning the Determination of Zoning of the Cultural Heritage Area of the Sultanate of Banten (Banten Lama), based on this decision the model for the development of heritage tourism development based on ecotourism in the Old Banten area refers to the provisions of the Conservation Law. Culture. Based on Article 73 paragraph (3) of Law N0.11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Conservation, the use of cultural heritage areas as tourism areas must pay attention to efforts to protect cultural heritage areas, therefore utilization for tourism must pay attention to the zoning principle so that sustainable tourism goals are achieved


Administrative Law; Tourism Law

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UNIFIKASI : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

ISSN 2354-5976 (print), ISSN 2580-7382 (online)

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