Balancing Climate Justice with Sustainable Development Needs in A Policy: Questioning about Government Regulations for National Strategic Projects Facilitation

Ricca Anggraeni


The problem is that Government Regulation Number 42 of 2021 on National Strategic Projects Facilitation deals with the concepts of environmental balance and climate change policy. Spatial planning, including marine space, land acquisition, and forestry, should support national strategic projects. On the one hand, the environmental balance must be maintained to mitigate global warming. Government Regulation Number 42 of 2021 on National Strategic Projects Facilitation is like a two-eyed knife; the balance point must be found so that climate justice and sustainable development do not "kill" each other. Through normative research methods with qualitative data analysis, it was discovered that Government Regulation Number 42 of 2021 on National Strategic Projects Facilitation, on the one hand, succeeded in becoming an infectious engine for infrastructure development and development for the welfare of the community, but on the other hand, Government Regulation became a suppressive engine for the community group, the living environment, and spatial balance. Government Regulation Number 42 of 2021 on National Strategic Projects Facilitation is not yet on the side of the people and communities most vulnerable to the impact of climate change due to the development of the PSN infrastructure to pursue the achievement of the SDGs. Therefore, the pattern of Government Regulation Number 42 of 2021 on National Strategic Projects Facilitation must change, not only “increase the number of infrastructure developments” but also the quality of human life today and in the future, so that the access to SDG’s in Indonesia becomes something comprehensive because it does not interfere with achieving other indicators


climate justice, sustainable development, policy, national strategic project, infrastructure

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