Novi Satria Pradja, Ammar Ammar Chania


The University had main of task to prepare profesional scholars. The profile of
graduates is a benchmark for the success of an education institution. This is importance to search
about trace the development of graduates after finished education as an evaluation of institution.
Focus of graduates trace record is the measurement of learning outcome factors with record the
profile of graduates divided into three main focus, namely the study period, graduates career, and
graduates competent. This research uses a study descriptive qualitative with subject as graduates of
the 2016 and 2017 in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Kuningan University. The data
collected instruments used questionnaires and interview guideline. Analysis data, research used
techniques that include data reduction, display, and conclusion or verification.
The results of the analysis show that the 2016 and 2017 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
from Kuningan University: 1) the average time need to finished study is 8 semesters, 2) 59% from
the graduates can relevant work with study and becoming a teacher, and 3) the stakeholders
assessing graduates as has sufficient competence.
Keywords: Time of Study Period, Career of Graduates, Competent of Graduates


Time of Study Period; Career of Graduates; Competent of Graduates

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