Ahmad Dedi Mutiadi, Bayu Sugianto


Reading skills is an activity to find the information or message. Thus humans are required to be read in order to gain knowledge and insight in order to compete with other human beings. Thus the reading should be trained from an early age when a child enters the world of education at elementary, junior high, high school, and college students. Problem Formulation 1) How does learning to read faster implementation plan to improve reading comprehension by using the method of problem solving in class VII C SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum? 2) What is the process of learning to read faster to improve reading comprehension by using the method of problem solving in class VII C SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum? 3) What is the result of learning to read faster to improve reading comprehension by using a method of problem solving in class VII C SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum? The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). Data Acquisition Techniques used in this study are as follows: Study Library, Observation Techniques, Test Engineering. Setting (Time and Place) Research conducted in April to June 2012. Outdoor Research done in class VII C SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum. Conclusion 1 The observation plan of learning in the first cycle reaches the final value 2.00 with sufficient criteria. Learning implementation plan cycle II on the second cycle reaches the final value 3.01 with good criteria. 2. In the first cycle of the learning process generally reaches 72.7%, which means that the performance of the teacher is the learning cycle II reached 84.4%, the teacher has done the stages of learning to read faster with problem solving techniques. processing stages teachers have done well learning to read fast. 3. The final value of the evaluation of the first cycle of learning 'Summing these works after a quick read 200 words per minute "mastery learning C Class VII students of SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum not been successful of the 35 students, 17 students have not reached the KKM and 18 students have reached the value of KKM, presentation reached 51.4% number does not reach the minimum passing percentage grade. With the value of the final class average 70.58. Class VII student mastery C SMP Negeri 1 Cibeureum successful on the second cycle of the 35 students, 27 students had achieved mastery Criteria minimal value, if dipersentasekan reached 77.2% of the students of class VII C and 8 students who have not reached the KKM percentage of 22.8%. With the value of the final class average 78.44.

Keyword : reading faster, reading comprehension, problem solving method.


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