Anggi Pramowardhani



Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah karena beberapa proses pembelajaran Biologi saat ini masih bersifat konvensional yang mengandalkan komunikasi satu arah sehingga makna pergeseran pembelajaran dari teacher centered menjadi student centered belum tercapai. Pada proses belajar siswa kurang diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap pemecahan masalah dalam rangka membangun pengetahuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan PBL berbantuan diagram Vee pada materi sistem imunitas terhadap sikap ilmiah dan untuk meningkatkan literasi sains siswa serta hubungan antara sikap ilmiah literasi sains. Pengukuran literasi sains dengan menggunakan tes uraian yang meliputi tiga indikator literasi sains, observasi (pengamatan) terhadap keterlaksanaan Problem Base Learning (PBL) berbantuan diagram vee sedangkan sikap ilmiah dan tanggapan siswa terhadap metode yang digunakan dapat diketahui dari penyebaran angket. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa implemetasi pembelajaran berbasis masalah mencapai keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada kategori sangat baik (98,4%) sehingga mampu memberikan dampak positif yang signifikan terhadap sikap ilmiah (4,160 > 2,001) dan peningkatan literasi sains (4,771 > 2,002) yang ditunjang adanya hubungan antara sikap ilmiah dengan literasi sains dengan koefisien probabilitas 0,013 < 0,025 serta nilai korelasi Pearson sebesar 0,320. Respon siswa terkait dengan pembelajaran dapat disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas dan efektivitas pembelajaran (57,35%) mampu memfasilitasi kemudahan memahami materi dengan pemecahan masalah (57,13%) sehingga siswa merasa tertarik (67,58%) dan termotivasi untuk belajar (59,08%).

Keywords: Problem Based Learning; Diagram Vee, Scientific Attitude; Literasi Sains.



The background of this research is the study of Biology today still rely on the conventional which one-way communication so that the meaning of the learning shift from teacher centered to student centered not yet been reached. In the students' learning process less given the opportunity to conduct an investigation on problem solving in order to build knowledge. This study aims to determine the feasibility of PBL base on Vee diagram on the material of the immune system against the scientific attitude and to improve scientific literacy of students as well as the relationship between the scientific attitude and the science literacy. Measurement science literacy skills by using a test description that includes three indicators of scientific literacy, observation feasibility of the Problem Base Learning (PBL) based on vee diagram whereas scientific attitude and response of students to the methods used can be known from the questionnaire. From the results of this study concluded that the implementation of problem-based learning feasibility reached learning in the very good category (98.4%) so as to provide a significant positive impact on the scientific attitude (4.160> 2.001) and increased scientific literacy (4.771> 2.002) supported the the relationship between scientific attitude with scientific literacy with a probability coefficient of 0.013 <0.025 and Pearson correlation value of 0.320 *. Student responses related to learning can be concluded that the activity and effectiveness of learning (57.35%) to facilitate ease of understanding the material with solving problems (57.13%) so that students feel interested (67.58%) and motivated to learn (59.08 %).

Keywords: Problem Based Learning; Vee Diagram; Scientific Attitude; Science Literacy.


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