Riswanto Riswanto


The study's overarching objective is to determine whether or not CSR improves students' reading comprehension. Twenty-five students from one public secondary school in Bengkulu Tengah served as the study's sample. The study used a pre- and post-test to gather data in a quasi-experimental equivalent time-series design. Since there is only one group in the research, a control group is unnecessary. The normality of the data was a prerequisite for using the one sample t-test formula to assess the hypothesis. In this study, the researchers employed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to examine whether or not the data were normally distributed. The results of this research showed that the experimental group's class post-test mean score of 83.54 exceeded the class pre-test mean score of 51.94. Based on the findings, it is clear that the Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) approach significantly improved students' ability to understand what they read.


collaborative strategic reading; reading comprehension; time series design

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