Iyan Setiawan, Ade Wilda Pebrina


Abstract: The problem in this study is social skills and low critical thinking skills. It is indicated by the lack of active participation of students in learning and the lack of students' ability to solve problems that require analytical skills. This study aims to describe: 1) the differences in social skills between students who use the Jigsaw typecooperative learning model in the class with students who use lecture learning methods in the class, 2) the differences in critical thinking skills of  students who use the Jigsaw cooperative learning model in the class compared to students using lecture learning methods in the class, 3) Gain critical thinking skills of  students who use the Jigsaw cooperative learning model in the class compared to class students who use the lecture learning method in the class. The method used was quasi experiment with non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. With the number of research subjects as many as 72 people, 36 students in the experimental class, and 36 students in the control class. Data collection was carried out by questionnaire and objective test, then the data were analyzed using the two average difference test (t test). Based on the results of processing and analysis, the following results are obtained. First, that the difference in social skills of students who use the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model in the class is higher than that of class students who use the lecture learning method in the class . Second, that the difference in critical thinking skills of students who use the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model in the class is higher than the students who use the lecture learning method in the class. Third, that the increase (N-Gain) of critical thinking skills of students who use the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model in the class is higher than that of class students who use the lecture learning method in the class. The suggestions from this study is teachers should use Jigsaw cooperative learning more often because it is more effective in improving social skills and ability students’ to think critically.

Keywords: Cooperative Type Jigsaw Learning, Social Skills, Critical Thinking.


Cooperative Type Jigsaw Learning; Social Skills;Critical Thinking

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