Ririn Marlina


Abstract: This paper  analyzed narrative texts of Senior High School textbooks for X Grade, based on Jackendoff’s and Saeed’s theories of thematic role. This research employed a  qualitative research design and the data were ten narrative texts taken from Developing English Competencies and Interlanguage for X Grade. The research Questions involve the ways of thematic role in constructing the sentence’s meaning in narrative texts and the thematic role that mostly employed. This research revealed that nine kinds of thematic role (Agent, Patient, Location, Beneï¬ciary, Experiencer, Theme, Source, Goal, and Instrument) are available in narrative texts and the role Theme was frequently employed (260 times of 782). Meanwhile, thematic role constructs the sentence’s meaning in narrative texts by observing the verb and the preposition used in the sentence.  Thematic role is a way to describe the role of noun phrase in a sentence, so that thematic role is closely related with the grammatical function. It can be also said that the analysis of thematic role in narrative texts is beneï¬cial for educational participants both teacher and student in order to recognize the sentence’s grammatical function. Therefore, thematic role helps them to understand the sentence’s meaning and ï¬nally they can grasp the message in a text.

Keywords:  Thematic role,  Narrative Text, Senior High School, Textbook

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